Musician Babes Wodumo, real name Bongekile Simelane, is accused of being a scammer. Sunday World reports that a lifestyle establishment in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN),
Called Endaweni Shisanyama, is threatening legal action against the Wololo hitmaker for allegedly running off with R11 000. According to the Endaweni owner, Babes failed to honour her booking for Saturday, 27 January.
The owner said that they’ve tried communicating with the gqom singer, however, she is not taking their calls.
Asked about the booking, Babes confirmed that it did happen, but blamed her manager for double booking her.
She, however, did not respond to questions about refunding Endaweni.
“I did convey my apology to them, explaining that on the very same day I was supposed to be performing at their event, I had gigs and had to shoot for my TV reality show,” said Babes Wodumo.
The Shut Up and Groove singer’s reputation has been marred with “no-show” scandals. Last year, three event organisers accused her of not attending gigs despiting being booked.