A heartbreaking discovery has been made in Pienaar, Mpumalanga, where the body of 6-year-old Junior Mabandla has been found. The young boy had been reported missing a month ago, leaving his family and the community in a state of distress.

According to his uncle, Thepelo Sishaba, Junior's lifeless body was discovered in a shallow grave in the area. The alleged perpetrator, who is also suspected of committing another heinous crime, led community members to the grave after being cornered.

The suspect, who is currently being pursued by authorities, is accused of kidnapping, raping, and burning a 3-year-old girl from the same area. Police are currently attending to the scene and investigating both crimes.

Junior's uncle confirmed that the young boy's body was identified by the clothes and shoes he was wearing on the day he disappeared. The community is in shock and mourning the loss of the young boy.