I spent over $35000 on our wedding So I cried when I saw my wife in Baltazar over 400 seks video leak. Husband weeps👇

He said “The lady in video number 73 is my wedded wife. I spent over 35000 dollars on our wedding and gave this woman everything she wanted. 

I take care of her brothers, her mother and her entire family, only for me to see Baltazar having his way with her and recording in a cheap bush.

I felt so much pain when I saw the video of my wife in that position, it kept playing in my head and I need to see my doctor"🤔😳

Husband speakes after finding his wife featured in Equatorial Pdidy Baltazar seks video with married women .

Moral lesson :.... Trust in God only for he only will give your heart the rest you deserve. trusting sisterhood is at your own risk 😄🤔